KDA is a nonprofit arts agency supporting and promoting dance + the arts in California’s Central Valleys, specifically Kern County.
For nearly a decade, KDA has been successful in elevating California’s Central Valley communities through grantmaking, arts services, and programs. By enhancing the ways people engage in arts and culture, KDA has strengthened our community by offering programs that impact all sectors, demographics, and geographies while promoting economic development.
KDA proudly supports artists and arts agencies by responding to the needs of our communities and creating pathways for cultural practitioners to make the greatest impact. KDA has provided services to over 170,000 people, raised nearly $5 million to enhance Central California’s arts offerings, and has been recognized in the region as an arts leader.
KDA services provide social, emotional, physical, and financial support for creatives and the greater community.
KDA serves our communities through cross-sector arts programs that teach educational endeavors like math and reading, assist with healthcare like improving life with dementia and aiding with disabilities, and increase quality of life like uplifting the marginalized.
KDA impacts by utilizing the arts to encourage learning, healthy living, understanding, and acceptance.
Through unique programs, KDA incites our community with passion, creativity, empowerment, and innovation.
In 2022, KDA was awarded a $4.2 million dollar grant and selected by the California Arts Council (CAC) to be an Administering Organization (AO) for the California Creative Corps. The KDA Creative Corps (KDACC) has spent the last two years investing these funds into programs in 14 Central California communities, including Kern County, that improved the quality of life for those living in the lowest quartile of the California Healthy Places Index through the arts.
The $4.2 million California Arts Council grant has been completely dispersed and used exclusively for the regranting and administering of the KDACC. The funding has not been used to fund KDA’s existing programs which continue to operate alongside the KDACC. KDA continues to need funding and community support to meet its daily and annual operating needs.
Kern Dance Alliance consists of four pillars: Community Alliance, Professional Development for Teachers, Professional Programs, and Scholarship/Grants.
1. COMMUNITY ALLIANCE circulates information about events, news, and advocacy.
2. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT provides artists, culture bearers, creative individuals, and arts administrators with critical tools to enhance their professional endeavors and business operations.
3. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS allow the community to attend and participate in professional programs, performances, and master classes.
4. SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS are provided to artists and arts organizations.