Kern Dance Alliance (KDA) is a nonprofit advocacy organization promoting and supporting dance and the arts in Kern County. Since 2015, KDA has supported the arts in California’s Central Valleys through grantmaking, programs, and services. KDA has offered arts-related opportunities to over 60,000 community members, raised over $450,000 to enhance Kern’s arts offerings, and has been nominated for six Beautiful Bakersfield Awards. 

KDA services provide social, emotional, physical, and financial support for creatives and the greater Kern County community. KDA has been successful in elevating Central Valley communities through cross-sector arts programs that teach educational endeavors like math and reading, assist with healthcare like improving life with dementia and aiding with disabilities, and increase quality of life like uplifting the marginalized. KDA impacts Kern County by utilizing the arts to encourage learning, healthy living, understanding, and acceptance. Through unique programs, KDA incites our community with passion, creativity, empowerment, and innovation.


Kern Dance Alliance is a non-profit advocacy organization promoting and supporting dance + the arts in Kern County, CA.


Kern Dance Alliance seeks to become the premier advocacy organization of the Kern County community by providing a network of information, access to programs that focus on professional and cultural experiences, and monetary resources.


Kern Dance Alliance consists of four pillars: Community Alliance, Professional Development for Teachers, Professional Programs, and Scholarship/Grants.

1. COMMUNITY ALLIANCE circulates information about events, news, and advocacy.

2. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT provides artists, culture bearers, creative individuals, and arts administrators with critical tools to enhance their professional endeavors and business operations.

3. PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS allow the community to attend and participate in professional programs, performances, and master classes.

4. SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS are provided to artists and arts organizations.